I’m concerned about your privacy, and I want you to feel totally safe and cosy when you’re browsing around on my little corner of the web.
That’s why I’ll be short:
No data about you is collected on this website. This means that this website doesn’t use tracking cookies or scripts.
I can’t control the websites that I link to. Have a look at their privacy policies before you do anything on those other websites.
Information pulled from mastodon.social 1 is used for the commenting system. Check out mastodon.social’s privacy policy 2 on their website to see how they handle personal information.
The website scored a perfect A+ on Securityheaders 3 because it uses secure HTTP headers. A no-referrer policy is used on this website to ensure that other sites don’t know you came from this one.
The website is hosted on Netlify 4 and the DNS is managed by Cloudflare 5. I can’t control the website host, so I don’t know what information they might collect. I have disabled any traffic statistics that I am aware of.
The contact form is hosted on Letterbird 6 by Good Enough (privacy policy 7). I can’t control the contact form host.